What Is I.P. Targeting Anyway?
You may have heard of or been told about geotargeting, geofencing or all manner of “targeting” by your local digital marketing rep or phone-book-digital-company. They are selling Facebook targeting, Google targeting and the ability to target by behavioral or geographic methods. Confusing isn’t it?
Well, the newest player in the digital targeting realm is I.P. Targeting and it is pretty exciting.
Most digital targeting typically uses “cookies” to track devices, but IP Targeting does not use cookies, and that is revolutionary in the digital advertising world. An IP algorithm determines the IP address based at a physical, or postal address (home or business), which is then used for precise digital ad targeting at the IP/router level. Targeting of every digital device at that address is then possible. This type of targeting is beneficial for advertisers because it incorporates offline data; such as registered voter lists, customer databases, modeled data, and direct mail data.
Every smartphone, laptop, desktop, smart TV, tablet or iPad at that address can be reached with targeted ads, even if the device leaves the physical address.
This type of targeting is beneficial for advertisers because it incorporates offline data; i.e., registered voter lists, customer databases, modeled data, and direct mail data.
When using IP Targeting, an advertiser can target at a 1:1 level to the individual household. By doing so vastly eliminates fraud and the threat of non-human or “robot” traffic. We can guarantee with 95% accuracy that your digital ad being served is being viewed by a real person. Leverage your offline data, CRM lists, and conquest data rather than behavioral data used when utilizing inaccurate cookies.
Would you like to try this newest level of targeting? Drop me an email and I’ll help you get set up.
Paul Evans is Director of Agency Services at The Ad Buyer.